Lees hier onze nieuwste artikelen en aanbevelingen over alles wat met Franse cultuur en taal te maken heeft:
Paris at home
It can just happen: want to go to Paris. Instead of hopping into the Thalys, you can simply go home to the French capital. What a day in Paris à la maison looks like? You can read that here. Bonjour! You slept in, of course; it is a holiday after all. Put on French...
French onomatopoeia
For example, an onomatopoeia, or onomatopoeia, is kukeleku for the sound a rooster makes. That rooster sounds the same in French, but you write the sound very differently. Below are some examples of French onomatopoeia. boom! - boum! (or: badaboum! ) hatsjie! -...
Movie tip: Antoinette dans les Cévennes
We may all be longing for the sunny southern French landscape in the summer right now. Antoinette dans les Cévennes is a good film to dream away with. You'll just be a teacher and having an affair with the father of one of your students. Antoinette (played by Laure...
Corona words in French
If you are looking for bright spots in these times, you may find them in the expansion of your French vocabulary. Because some typical corona words are real gems! For example, take the word couvre-feu for curfew, literally: putting out the fire. The word originates...
We can all use a helping hand from time to time. Here are some expressions to encourage you in French. Tu peux le faire!> You can do this! Continue comme ça!> Keep it up! N'abadonne pass!> Do not give up! Crois and toi.> Believe in yourself Vas-y!> Go...
There in French
For the French words' y 'and' en 'you often have 1 word in Dutch, namely' er. That means that in French we have to pay attention when you use which word. Fortunately, there are rules for this. Earlier we had already treated il ya; now we will elaborate on the word...