Lees hier onze nieuwste artikelen en aanbevelingen over alles wat met Franse cultuur en taal te maken heeft:

C’est vs. Il est

C’est vs. Il est

Even if you've been speaking French for years, it can still cause headaches: when do you use 'il est' and when 'c'est'? Therefore, for now and always: the solution. C'est Along with a subject and a verb C'est un petit garçon. (It's a boy.) C'est le vin que j'ai bu...

Past times in French

Past times in French

In Dutch you can use the past tense forms fairly arbitrarily. But not in French. When do you use the simple past tense (l'imparfait) and when do you use the past perfect (passé composé)? In short: you use the passe composé for movements or events and the imparfait for...

Not to be missed: Isabelle Huppert

Not to be missed: Isabelle Huppert

It will be Isabelle Huppert's summer. Not only can many films with her be seen in the coming months, she will also be on stage in Amsterdam in September. You can watch no fewer than 30 films with Isabelle Huppert in July and August in Filmmuseum EYE, Amsterdam. Do you...

Just say you to you

Just say you to you

In Dutch, we address almost everyone as 'you'. Everyone is equal, so we rarely use 'you' anymore. In French you can't get away with such familiar behavior - although that is changing. When you use 'vous' in French and when 'tu', there are unfortunately no clear-cut...

Enjoy theater in Avignon

Enjoy theater in Avignon

Lavender, rosé and of course Mont Ventoux. These are just 3 reasons to visit Provence. A fourth reason is perhaps the big theater festival in Avignon in July: the Festival d'Avignon and the Festival Off d'Avignon. This year, the event starts on July 4 and ends on July...

Fill the summer with French films

Fill the summer with French films

Practice your French in the cinema? This summer it's extra easy, because you might be able to see a French film every week. In the EYE Film Museum in Amsterdam you can watch no fewer than 30 films by Isabelle Huppert in July and August. Do you not live in (near)...

